Monday, December 10, 2012

Monday Mishmash 12/10/12

Happy Monday! Here's my mishmash of thoughts:
  1. Editing  I've been editing a lot lately. It's a great way to wrap up 2012.
  2. Holidays  I need to get caught up again with the holidays. I have more wrapping to do and some stocking stuffers to buy.
  3. Touch of Death ARC Giveaway #3  The final ARC giveaway will begin on Friday. Don't forget to stop back for your chance to win.
  4. Mailing gifts  I'll be mailing out the last of the holiday gifts this week. I always feel better once that's done.
  5. Reading  For some reason, I like to read more during the holidays. Even though I'm reading a ton of client edits, I'm making time for other books, too.
That's it for me. What's on your mind today?


  1. I totally just took a page from your book and have worked on a Monday mishmash type of post ;) I always have enjoyed yours haha

  2. Are you reading any holiday books? I have a couple on my shelf that I didn't make time for last year. I'm hoping to get to them soon.

    1. I just read two holiday novellas, Unwrap Me by Carolina Jordan and Samantha Spencer and Captivated By You by Diane Alberts. :)

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Typos, let's try again-

      I've also got lots of books I want to read before the end of December. I'm going to finish "The Wainscott Weasel" before Christmas. Another book I'm reading and recommend is "Vex, Hex, Smash, Smooch: Let Verbs Power Your Writing" by Constance Hale. I bought a copy last week and I'm loving it so far. It's the kind of book you read in bits, because it's so rich, like single-serve creme caramel.

      It's part memoir on language and part reference guide in ways to strengthen your writing, and a history of the many facets and idiosyncrasies of the English language, whether it American, Australian, British, and the Pigeon English (i.e. Hawaiian Creole as defined by linguists) spoken in parts of Hawaii, which roughly is their variant of the "Southern Dialect" on the U.S. mainland southern states.

      Kelly, I think you'd find this book a great reference in helping your editing clients strengthen their writing, and it could benefit your own writing, and I know you've said you learn best from reading the books you write, but I think this is a great resource for the non-negotiable aspects of SPAG issues.

      It's not like other writing books on writing that have specific tips, like say a "For Dummies" style guide. it's more open-ended in that way. I love this author's take on language, and how she advocate "Breaking the Rules" as you do, and yet also helps writers like me, who frankly need more GUIDANCE in strengthening one's craft, I personally can only learn so much through reading alone, especially in areas of grammar, making less complex sentences (That's why picture books SCARES me as a writer) but this a book about strengthening language more than publishing, and it's nice to read about writing without a direct focus on publishing.

      Because storytelling and making sense of the publishing business aren't always mutually exclusive.

      When you have time, you and other might want to listen to some interviews she did if you want more convincing about how great her knowledge of language can help your own writing- (This is a full hour with Constance about her previous book "Sin and Syntax" which I don't have yet, but I will get next year!)

  4. It is hard for me to have time for books. I am reading four or five at the same time. But then I read tons of articles and posts online. My word-count (reading-wise) is probably the same as it ever was. I'm very productive though!

    1. Sometimes I read multiple books at the same time and yes, it does take so much longer. Still reading though. :)

  5. Cannot believe the holidays are almost upon us! I am so far behind the Christmas shopping and preparations ... goodness me.

    Holidays are great for reading - tucked up cosy warm with a book - bliss.

    Hope you have a good week!

  6. I'm jamming in reading a few stories as well the last week or so. I love reading by the Christmas tree. I've got to finish up shopping this week, and, yes, get a few packages out to out-of-town relatives. I haven't even thought about wrapping yet...oy!

    1. Wrapping is so not fun. Thankfully, my daughter helps.

  7. Enjoying the last week of my maternity leave. I can't believe how fast 12 weeks go...

  8. I haven't done a stinking thing for the holidays. I so need to go shopping.

    Good luck with your edits!

  9. I'm finishing up a project under contract today, but besides that there's Christmas wrapping to be done! :)

  10. Kelly, I went Christmas shopping at Barnes & Noble and was spending my time looking up books from authors I've become acquainted with online. Yours wasn't in stock, but it said it would be available January 2013! When I find a hard copy in stock there, I will take a picture holding it ;0)

  11. I was ahead on Christmas gifts last week, but somehow my lead evaporated. This week I need to finish up.

  12. I'm reading too! For my birthday I got "The 3 a.m. Epiphany" which is a book filled with uncommon writing exercises which promises to transform your fiction.

    We shall see!

    Happy Monday.

  13. Holidays? Yikes. I don't want to think about all the stuff I have to do. Hope you have a merry one!

  14. Trying to write, read and get ready for Christmas is very hectic, but it keeps me out of trouble! ;)

  15. All I have to say is "ditto." I've been the editing queen, too busy against deadlines until today. Also a mess of gifts on my kitchen table. Also reading past NYTimes and New Yorker. Glad someone else is at my speed. :)

  16. I haven't even thought about Christmas shopping. I did finally decorate my apartment. That was a lot of fun.

  17. Ah, the holidays… Lots of frying going on at my house, a la Latkes Time. Lovely to wipe the apron and catch up on your Mishmash~

  18. The holidays...waht can I say. My tow girls have piano recital today and on Wednesday violin/viola recital and then there's attending the high school christams performance and middle-school one...the fun doesn't start until school closes.

    1. LOL. My daughter is in kindergarten so it's just one holiday show on the 18th. Best of luck to your girls. :)

  19. I've done lots of wrapping today, before the kids finish school. Also am in the process of defrosting the freezer so I can get food in it for Christmas! It's so iced up I can't get anything on the top two shelves. I'm also looking forward to reading more over the holidays. I love it when everything slows down and I can sit down and enjoy a book. Hope you have a great Christmas Kelly!x

  20. Oh, shopping! I haven't done any. :( my daughter changes her mind every time a Monster High advertisement comes on TV. And when I tell her Santa has to do the gift wrapping early in advance, she tells me Santa has super powers. He can unwrap and wrap the gifts fast. So I'm still waiting which doll she will settle on.:D

    1. LOL. My daughter asked for the Monster High High School. I told her it was very expensive but she informed me Santa doesn't have to buy presents because the elves make them. Well, luckily Amazon's cyber Monday deal took $40 off the price!

  21. I sometime wish MisMash Monday was on Tuesday when I have more to say because on Mondays I am always thinking about my writing goals for the week, and how behind I am on the previous week. I did finish the draft of a novella this weekend. Not a bad week (last week) as far as weeks go. I am going to advance order my Touch of Death copy this week as a Christmas present from me-to-me.

    1. It's still up on Tuesday, so feel free to post then. :)

      Aw, thank you! I'm so honored Touch of Death made your Christmas list. :)

  22. Sounds like you're well organized and will be ready for the holidays. I'm wondering if I'll ever get my cards addressed. :)

    1. I'm still sending out straggler cards—ones you don't anticipate sending but need to return the favor. ;)

  23. Zombies. Translating. Zombies. Translating. Feeling like a zombie. Translating zombies.

    1. Maybe you'll translate my zombie book one day! :D

  24. Even though I'm swamped with correcting student exams, I have finished 90% of my Xmas shopping (YAY!!!). I have even wrapped them all. Now I have to tackle the holiday cards.

  25. I'm trying to finish off final polishes, supervising Christmas exams, and doing a bit of reading when I can find the time...

  26. Yikes! I haven't bought a single Christmas present. At least I have my cards purchased. That's progress, right? :)

    On my mind:
    1. Revising
    2. Outlining
    3. Buying Christmas presents
    4. Vacation
    5. Getting my washing machine fixed

    1. Adrianne, I don't want to make you panic, but maybe you should start shopping. LOL

      Good luck with your list. :)

  27. I have to get caught up with some holiday "stuff" too! I also like to read more during this time of year. I have been catching up with some books! Good luck getting everything done. :)

  28. Work (the office kind) :-(
    Christmas :-)
    Reading list :-)

    Happy Tuesday!

  29. I can't wait for winter break. I'm going to read, read, read.

    I did most of my Christmas shopping. This weekend I'll work on cards.

    Have a great week.

  30. The cold weather always makes me want to stay indoors, wrapped in a shawl or blanket, and read. I think winter causes us to look inwards for a while.

    On my mind - argh! - have I got everything ready for Christmas? What else do I need to attend at my children's school or buy for them to attend some school event? Do I go to the dentist before Christmas or chicken out and leave it until January (seeing as there's nothing wrong with my teeth as far as I can see)? My husband has finished with the second draft of my novel and in his usual way has thrown a whole host of tangents into the mix. Before I start on draft three, I need to strip my novel back to its components, add in a few plot/character changes, and bind it all back together in a seemingly coherent state (cue more 'argh!').

    Looking forward to the end of term (two weeks away) and Christmas.

    1. Fi, good luck with draft three. I hope your husband had lots of great suggestions. And does this mean you are already ready for Christmas? Jealous! LOL

  31. My husband is one of those people who sees tangents galore and had some brilliant suggestions and comments. He's a true muse.

    Almost sorted for Christmas. Presents wrapped (although I've nowhere to hide them other than beside my bed). Christmas Day pretty much planned and most food bought and in the freezer or store cupboard. Christmas cards to write and post. Apart from that, I'm more or less ready, until life throws a snowball at me.

    1. I don't know where to put my presents either. By the bed is where they currently are. ;)

  32. I'll have to swing back on Friday for the giveaway. You must be getting excited for the release!

    I love reading during the holidays, but I'm trying to give myself a kick in the pants to keep writing.

    1. Virtual kick in the pants coming your way. ;) Just kidding.

      Yes, I'm getting very excited. Time is flying by. I can't believe it's almost here!

  33. Sounds like you are keeping busy amid this wonderful time of the year, Kelly. Best wishes to you & yours for a happy holiday experience well into the new year.

  34. I'm amazed at how you have time to do all the things you do, including editing! Phew. Superwoman.

    1. Don't tell, but I think I learned the art of carving as much time out of the day as possible. ;)


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