Monday, January 7, 2013

Monday Mishmash 1/7/13

Happy Monday! Here's my mishmash of thoughts:

  1. Bad Boy Rehab Hop  I'm taking part in the Bad Boy Rehab Hop (hosted by I'm a Reader Not a Writer and The Book Hookup) and I'm giving away a copy of my upcoming YA romance novella, Love All, along with SWAG. Stop back on Wednesday to enter.
  2. Zombie Prom  I'm counting the days until January 20, which is my launch party in Boston! Woo hoo! I can't wait to meet everyone from Spencer Hill Press in person! And I get to meet my agent in person for the first time, too! :)
  3. Edits  I finished my second round edits on The Monster Within last week. I love that book so much. It releases April 2014 through Spencer Hill Press, and wait until you see the cover! I love it!
  4. Reviewing  I'm trying to catch up on all the books I promised to review for blog tours. Eek! There are so many!
  5. Scene13  I've joined up with more than twenty-five other authors with books coming out in 2013. We'll be blogging over at Scene13 about a lot of fun topics. January will be filled with posts about our characters' New Year's resolutions. My post goes up on the 9th.

That's it for me. What's on your mind today?

*My free monthly newsletter goes out at 5pm EST today. If you'd like to receive one but aren't signed up, you can sign up here.


  1. What an exciting start to the year. I've decided to put returning to my novel off until February as January is turning into a month of tying up ends from 2012. That also gives me a chance to look back over my writing heroes' works and figure out what I love about them, what I want to read and hence what I want to write (does that make sense). I've also given myself a project this month of figuring out my novel's audience which isn't as easy as I thought it would be.

    Talk to you next week.

    1. Sounds like you have a busy month, Fi. Good luck!

  2. Good luck with everything you've got going on. Zombie Prom and Scene 13 sound especially exciting. I'll have many more new boks to add to my TBR during 2013.

    1. I don't think adding books to my TBR list ever slows down. LOL

  3. Scene 13 sounds awesome! I'll definitely check it out. Thanks for sharing. My mind? I'm excited to finally start mapping out the sequel to MB. Can't wait to see where these characters will take me.

  4. Sounds like you have a busy January. Congrats on the upcoming releases!

  5. Scene 13 sounds like fun, I will check it out. Have a great time up in Boston-I know you will! I start my part-time adjunct lit teaching this week, so I have to make sure I save time to write!

    1. Thanks, Catherine. Good luck with the adjunct position.

  6. Wow, quite a busy week. Ah, the blog tour reviews. I need to catch up with my reading as well. My Monday is going well, just trying to make sure I have everything ready for Reaper's Novice release *yay* So exciting!

    1. Very exciting! I'm looking forward to your official release!

  7. On point #4, Kelly- I'd love to read faster... How do you do it?
    I think my life is already too short for all the books I'm planning to read.

    1. I'm so far behind with my reading. I don't think I read fast enough. I read while running on the treadmill, so I guess multi-tasking helps. LOL

  8. I had to Google Bad Boy Rehab Hop. It sounds awesome. As busy as aways Kelly. Good Luck! :)

  9. Wow, sounds like you are busy! All such awesome stuff though!

    1. Me too! Just wish I could be as productive as you! lol

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. I feel really off if I'm not busy. It's a sickness. ;)

  10. It's so hard keeping up with all the books we promised to review, isn't it?!

  11. Hey, Kelly!

    Have a SUPER launch party in Bahstun! Happy New Year :)

  12. One day. One day I can be as cool as you. :-p Congrats w/ everything you have going on.

  13. Good luck with your launch party. How fun that you finally get to meet everyone in person. :)

    1. I'm really looking forward to seeing everyone. :)

  14. Your launch party sounds like it will be a blast! It sounds like you have a lot of fun things going on! Good luck with everything. I am just trying to catch up on everything in my life this week. :)

  15. All the best with your launch party!

  16. Yay! January 20th is a good day! My YA novel The Forgotten releases on that day and you get to have an awesome launch party!Have fun.

  17. Congrats on all your success! All the blog hops you participate in, are your publishers helping you or are you just great at networking? I don't know how you find the time to see your family, work on edits, and write. Go you.

    Jan 20th is just around the corner!

    1. The blog hops are all me, but my blog tours are done through my publishers. So I guess we're each doing our part. :)

  18. I'll check out Scene 13.

    Awesome list. Take a break every now and then, though. ;)

    1. I took a break this afternoon and just read for fun—not for reviewing or for clients. Just for me. :)

  19. LOL! A bad boy rehab hop sounds like lots of fun ; )

  20. How do you do all this? You are truly Super writer!!! And you still find time to support other writers. Pz bottle your energy and ship over to UK! X

    1. LOL. I hate having down time where my writing is concerned.

  21. Nice networking. I like your choices. And there's nothing like the right group of friends to help boost your success.


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