Monday, December 22, 2014

Monday Mishmash 12/22/14

Happy Monday! Monday Mishmash is a weekly meme dedicated to sharing what's on your mind. Feel free to grab the button and post your own Mishmash.

Here's what's on my mind today:
  1. Blog Post Fail  Okay, so it's 6:57am when I'm typing this because I forgot to schedule my post. Yup. I'm crazy busy and I just forgot. But look, the world didn't end. ;)
  2. Editing  I'm editing The Darkness Within right now, along with a book for a client. Great way to end the year if you ask me.
  3. Christmas  We are almost ready to have a houseful on Christmas. Things are coming together, yet every project seems to cause another, so we'll see. 
  4. Reviewing  I read and reviewed some really great books lately, including Medeia Sharif's Vitamins and Death (highly recommended) and Icy Pretty Love by L.A. Rose.
  5. Hoping for a better 2015  Between having my entire house gutted this year (hello expensive!), having some publishing issues, and some other personal stuff, 2014 was not a good year for me. I'm already looking forward to ringing in the new year.
That's it for me. What's on your mind today?


  1. Hope the new year is better to you than this one has been. Maybe with all the construction mess behind you, you'll make up for lost time in you all new surroundings.
    May you have a happy new year!

    1. I will have an office in 2015, so I'm really excited. :)

  2. Thank you for recommending my book. :)

    I hope 2015 is better, although you had amazing releases this year. I'm looking into remodeling in a few years and I know it'll be life-altering.

    1. You're welcome. It's such a great book.

      Remodels are tough, though having my entire house remodeled isn't the norm so it was worse than usual. I think you'll be okay.

  3. Have a wonderful Christmas break and here's to a better and brilliant 2015.

  4. Always look ahead, but treasure the memories good and bad. They are what make you YOU! :)

    Here's to a better 2015, Kelly!

    1. All this has definitely made me a more patient person. ;)

  5. Merry Christmas to you and your family. Think positive. 2015 will be a great year.

  6. It's almost over, right? Here's to a more peaceful 2015.

  7. Good luck with all of your ventures, Kelly! I hope you have a wonderful Christmas and a successful 2015!
    The holidays can be hectic but as long as we have the Christmas spirit, our homes will be filled with lots of joy and laughter.

  8. I hope 2015 is more settled for you. Merry Christmas!

  9. I'm reading Medeia's book too, right now. I'm really enjoying it. Have a wonderful Christmas, Kelly!

  10. I panic when I forget to get a post ready- but have realized I am the only one is concerned. :) The world doesn't end! I am hoping that 2015 is a better year for you! Happy Holidays.

  11. It's almost over. Wishing you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

  12. Good luck with your edits! Merry Christmas, Kelly! I hope you have a great 2015!

  13. Sorry to hear about all the 2014 troubles. Hoping for a much better 2015 year! Merry Christmas!

  14. I would never have known 2014 was not a great year for you, Kelly. Your upbeat presentation revved my motor every Monday. Here's to a spectacular year ahead!

    1. Well, I'm glad I didn't let it ruin my Monday Mishmash posts. :) It was definitely tough on all fronts, but I'm moving forward.

  15. I hope your 2015 is better and you have a great holiday!

  16. Wishing you a much better 2015, Kelly!

  17. Have a good time over the holidays! Hope your edits go fabulously.


  18. I hope Christmas went well. I hope the dust has settled from the big reno and may your New Year be healthy and happy

    1. Christmas was great. Thanks! The renovations are so close to being finished. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. Just the bathroom and railing need to be finished. :)

      Happy New Year!

  19. I schedule all my blogs to post in advance, too--and if one fails, I wake up and think, "Wait...what happened?!" Hope you had a great Christmas. I'm still trying to catch up!

    1. Yeah, sometimes I think scheduled one when really I saved it as a draft and then I wake up to find it didn't post.


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