Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Writer Wednesday: Broadening Your Reach

As authors, one thing we are constantly trying to do is broaden our reach. You need people to know you and your books exist. So how do you do that? Here are a few ways you should take advantage of:

  • Interviews ~ Never say no to someone who wants to interview you for their blog, newspaper, podcast, etc. I recently did an interview on Super Teacher Worksheets, and it was great. This gets your name out there to readers you may not have otherwise met. (If you're interested, you can read my interview here.)
  • Guest Blog ~ Again, this gets you a new set of readers if the blog you are appearing on has a different following than your own. So reach out to some blogs that you love and see if you can do a guest post for them.
  • Multi-author Giveaways ~ These are fantastic because readers love giveaways. When authors join forces, they join readerships too. That's a very good thing.
  • Blog Hops ~ There are some big blog hops out there. I mean BIG. Getting involved with those will get your book and your name in front of tons of people.
  • Follow Other People's Followers ~ That was a mouthful! What I mean is check out authors you admire and see who they are following and who is following them. Then start following those people too. This is a great way to meet new readers. (This works for Twitter, Instagram, etc.)
  • Use Different Blog Tour Companies ~ We all have those tour companies we love to work with, but they have a base of bloggers they work with. That means using them repeatedly only gets you in front of the same pool of readers. Try other companies as well to find new readers.
These are just a few ways to broaden your reach. Do you know of others? Please share in the comments so we can learn from each other.

*If you have a question you'd like me to answer from the other side of the editor's desk, feel free to leave it in the comments and I'll schedule it for a future post.


  1. Kelly!! That's a cool idea and inputs for visibility. Btw, are you game for a guest post on my blog and do lemme know.

  2. I would definitely second those ideas. I would add any opportunities for in-person events (at your local library, the bookstore, or school visits) are great ways to reach new readers. They aren't always easy to get, but totally worth it if you do get them.

    And, yes, you are always welcome to guest post on my blog...and I'll extend that invitation out to any of your blog readers as well who would be interested in guest posting on my blog. :)

    1. Thanks, Katie! Same here!

      And your suggestions are great!

  3. I think those do cover the essentials, Kelly!

  4. Great thoughts. It's true, we have to keep our eyes and minds open to every opportunity presented.

  5. All good points for what one can do without leaving home. You are a fantastic resource. You not only tell, but do all these things.

    1. Yes, I share what I do. It's the only way to know what works.

  6. Thanks for the advice, Kelly. I must get busy, for no one knows my name. :)

  7. Thank you, Kelly. This is great information.

  8. All great advice! So important to keep broadening our reach. :)


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