Monday, July 21, 2014

Monday Mishmash 7/21/14

Happy Monday! Here's my Mishmash of thoughts:
  1. Construction  We had water damage to our house and the downstairs had to be completely gutted and treated for mold. It's a nightmare. I've been out of my house since last Wednesday and will be out all this week too while it's being repaired. I'll do my best to respond to comments during that time.
  2. Revision  I'm still revising my MG sequel. It's been slow going thanks to the disaster going on in my house and having to relocate for a while.
  3. Schedules  I'm a very scheduled person and my schedule has been so off this summer. Adjusting to that has been tough.
  4. Reading  I discovered a bunch of books on my Kindle that I forgot were there. I'm going back and reading those before I purchase more. Right now I'm reading Hereafter by Tara Hudson.
  5. Deal Announcement  The official deal announcement for Into the Fire and Perfect For You is here. It's always exciting to see these. :)
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That's it for me. What's on your mind today?


  1. Fingers crossed all the work on your house will be finished very soon but sometimes it's good to be thrown out of routine. Makes you re-assess.

    I'm still working on my novel. Putting my scriptwriting skills into play to 'stage' a lot of the chapters which are new in this draft. Last week, I created a new character who should have been a one appearance only character but I love her so will probably bring her back somewhere over the next 2 books in the trilogy.

    Have a great week.

    1. I love when characters demand more attention like that. I fall hard for minor characters. :)

  2. There's an end and you will all be better for it! Best of luck!

    1. I know. I wish it would get here soon, though.

  3. So sorry to hear Kelly! I know the damage water can have on drywall and flooring. Good to have it replaced now rather than later. Good luck! Yes, revisit Kindle now and again! I agree. I have so much unfinished reading to get back to. Thanks for the reminder!

    1. It was like finding unopened birthday presents when I searched my Kindle. lol

  4. Congrats on your latest announcements! I have one of my own over on my blog that I'm mighty proud of. And hang in there as far as the uproar over your renovations. It's another life lesson in being adaptive. Plus, there's always your friendly public library to go to--with free WiFi and lovely quiet.

    1. Ooh, can't wait to get over there and see your announcement!

  5. I hope they were able to take care of the mold. It can be nasty stuff. Congrats on your announcement. This Fall is going to be exciting.

  6. With all the house chaos, it's understandable that your schedule would be off.

    1. Yeah. I keep telling myself it's okay to be a little off with all I have going on.

  7. Congrats on the deals!! And I hear you about a schedule, I always feel like I know where I'm at if I'm on one. Without one- lost!

    1. Yeah, it's tough to be off your schedule when you are so used to having one.

  8. I'm like you, Kelly. I go all "Rain Man" when my schedule is thrown out of balance, so I sympathize with you immensely in how you're coping with your construction project all summer. But I think it might just inspire you with some out of the box writing ideas ... who knows? :-)

    1. True. I've got the feeling of being "displaced" down part for future characters. ;)

  9. So sorry about your house! I mentioned on Twitter we went through that in 2010. Yuck! We had to stay with my parents for two months while our house was redone. We didn't have flood insurance (regular insurance doesn't cover floods--we aren't in a flood zone, so we weren't advised to get it). We're just now trying to get out of this house...the property value tanked because the whole neighborhood flooded. I know it was a 500-year flood (the Army Corps. of Engineers released water from the dam into our neighborhood to avoid flooding other parts of town), but I don't want to take the risk of being here if it happens again. I'm sure you can see why, with what you're going through!

  10. Sorry about your house. That's gotta be tough. Hang in there.

    I'm with you when it comes to books on my Kindle. I have a lot I need to get through. I've stopped buying books because I have too many now.

    1. With my addition I have to save money so going through my Kindle and finding books is awesome.

  11. I hope you're able to move home soon. That has to be exasperating. Congratulations on the sales. You are one busy writer. :)

  12. So sorry about your house. Congrats on your latest announcements!

  13. Ugh, mold that's terrible but it's good your taking care of it. So happy to hear the good news, Congrats!

  14. I'm sorry to hear about the water damage, Kelly. It sounds like you have quite the disaster going on over there! I hope you can find time to finalize your revisions.
    I took my niece to Great Adventure yesterday and we had a blast! I'm hoping to catch up on some of my reading and edits this week. Happy Monday & Tuesday!

    1. Thanks, Gina.

      I'm glad you had fun with your niece.

  15. Congratulations on your deal announcement! And I'm sorry about the water damage.

    I am also trying to tackle a lot of books on my Kindle. There's so many!

    1. Thanks, Chrys.

      I found a bunch on my Kindle. They pile up if you don't go back and check.

  16. That's wonderful about your deal. I hope your home life is back to normal soon.


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