Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Writer Wednesday: Things Happen For A Reason

Sometimes one of the hardest lessons to learn is that things happen for a reason. When my former agency closed, I was devastated, but now I'm with a new agency and I couldn't be happier. Even the disaster going on at my house was for a reason. When the downstairs walls were ruined from the rain, they had to be gutted and we found a bunch of electrical wires that could have caused fires down the line because they weren't run properly at all. So my huge mess definitely happened for a reason, and while it's been crazy, I'm glad these issues were discovered and addressed.

My house/construction situation made me realize that even bad things happen for a reason and can lead to good things. So the next time I get down about something writing related, I'm going to take the time to find the good that will eventually come from it.
  • A writing slump could just be your brain refreshing before a great new idea hits. 
  • A troublesome revision might evolve into a necessary rewrite that is ten times better than the previous draft. 
  • A messy POV might reveal that the wrong character is telling the story.
  • A character who won't listen and do what you want them to might be trying to tell you they have a better way to tell the story.
  • A document crash that erases your work might be the kick in the butt you need to rethink your story.

How do I know this? Because all of those things I just listed have happened to me, and I'm thankful for each and every one.

What's "happened for a reason" lately in your writing?


  1. Having entered a competition that requires my full manuscript by 8th August (if I'm on the short list), I'm working to a tight deadline so it was hair-pulling-ly annoying to have life get in the way of my writing recently. What the time away did, and is still doing, is making me think about my novel (all those little conversations I write in my head while I'm driving or scribble down just before sleep). It's also forced me to plan a lot more than I would have done and do some research. I still have 6 chapters to revise. I'm going to do it. And even if I'm not on the short list, I'll have a novel to submit to an agent.

    Great article. Thanks for sharing.

  2. There's almost always a silver lining w/crappy things that happen. Glad the bad wiring was found! Though I dunno, computer crash...that one just makes my skin crawl! ;)

    1. I cried a lot over the computer crash but some good did come from it.

  3. All of those are definitely true! Sometimes we just have to trust the process.

  4. Not in my writing, but we once went 3 days in the middle of winter without electricity. It turned out there had been a defect in our electrical box which, thankfully, shorted out and left us without power. It took 3 days to get the power company out there to fix it. They told us if it hadn't shorted. It would have caught the house on the middle of the night...while we were sleeping!

    Yes, things happen for a reason. Thank GOD too! :)

    1. Wow! You were lucky there. Definitely a great example of something seemingly bad that was actually a blessing.

  5. When things happen and we don't quite understand them at first, our thoughts can be quite troublesome. I'm glad you are able to look at the bright side of everything that has brought you to where you are now, Kelly=)
    When I started writing my novel this winter, a similar story came out three weeks after. These actual events were so close to the fictional plot and characters in my book that they gave me chills and made me cry. I still remember when my boyfriend showed me the article. Even the names were similar. So for this, I believe this story came to my mind and heart for a reason.

    1. It definitely sounds that way, Gina. I remember you posting about it on your blog.

  6. Considering the consequences of bad wiring, it's good that the trouble was found now.

  7. I have had several disappointments in writing that happened right before something really good, so I have lived this, too.

    And I just had that POV revelation earlier this week. My limited 3rd person was killing the story. I'll be trying omniscient for the first time in my writing career.

    1. I find something awful usually precedes something really good. I guess it's life's way of keeping balance.

      Good luck with the POV change.

  8. The middle 100 pages of a historical novel I put into a drawer several years ago went MIA during a move. No backup either because the computer crashed. I put away and forgot it until last month when I found it in a box in the closet. Fresh eyes, fresh ideas, and new skills brought it back to life plus it's spawned 4 non-fiction articles.

    So, yes, sometimes bad things can turn out for the best. A very thoughtful post Kelly.

  9. This is so true. Bad things can be turned to good, you just have to learn it.

    My summer job that takes a lot of my time. I love it and it inspires me, and most of all it gives my life a rhythm. I don't have so much time to think about writing, but when I have, I get better ideas and use my time better. The busy life has happened for a reason. And my computer that broke down. This is a problem that doesn't let me write before I'm really ready to put the word on paper.

    1. Are you still co-authoring that book, Ida?

    2. Yes, I am. I'm yearning to write. I just bought a new computer so it won't be a long wait.

  10. I am learning that setbacks can be good. I had a lot of setbacks for my novella 30 Seconds, and while it makes me nervous for its release still, I know those setbacks made it better. :)

  11. I find that letting stories develop in my subconscious is very useful. Your book not selling as well as you'd like is something that has happened recently for me.


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