Monday, September 14, 2015

Monday Mishmash 9/14/15

Happy Monday! Monday Mishmash is a weekly meme dedicated to sharing what's on your mind. Feel free to grab the button and post your own Mishmash.

Here's what's on my mind today:
  1. Our Little Secret Releases Tomorrow!!!  I can't believe tomorrow is release day. I'm SO excited. I love this book so much, and it's so incredibly beautiful in person. You can order it on Amazon or B&N.
  2. Scholastic Book Fair  I'll be helping out with the Scholastic Book Fair today through Thursday at my daughter's school. I always have fun doing these because…well, books!
  3. Drafting  As of last Friday, I'm officially drafting again. Woo hoo! Let me say that again. Woo hoo! I couldn't be happier after having to take a few months off due to my packed editing schedule. Writing feels so good!
  4. Back-to-School Night  My daughter's open house is Thursday night. I'm looking forward to meeting her teacher and learning more about third grade, which has already been killer as far as testing goes. Crazy!
  5. Our Little Secret Swag Giveaway  Stay tuned this Friday for a SWAG giveaway for Our Little Secret. The giveaway will also appear on my Ashelyn Drake blog tomorrow for release day.
That's it for me. What's on your mind today?


  1. Congratulations on the book release and 'woo hoo' too on the return to drafting. I'm working on my novel again, in between packing to move house and chivvying my children around. Have a great week.

  2. Yay to release day! Fingers crossed you have the best release day ever.

  3. Awesome for being back to writing- let the words go! ;) Have fun at the fair, and don't spend too much, lol!

    1. Oh, I had a pile of books put aside within two minutes of arriving. ;)

  4. I love the drafting process.writing something new is the best feeling ever! I loved volunteering at my kids school for the Book Fairs. Have fun!

  5. Congrats! You're like the energizer bunny. Keep going!

  6. Happy release day tomorrow, Kelly! You have been through this happy occasion before , but I imagine that it is always a ***woo-hoo*** day because this is a new book. So happy for you.

  7. Release day and drafting! Doesn't get better than that. Have a great week.

  8. Congratulations on the upcoming release!
    And hearing that your third grade daughter is already overwhelmed by tests makes me really sad. This is why I left teaching. I keep hoping Pennsylvania will make a turnaround and head in the other direction, but so far I see no sign of it. :(

  9. Scholastic Book Fairs are always a ton of fun.

    Congrats on Our Little Secret!

  10. Congrats on the launch tomorrow and also on writing again. It does get hard to boundary off writing time when you have work pressures.

  11. Congratulations and best of luck tomorrow! I'm sure it will be a great success!

  12. Congrats on releasing yet another book! You must be so excited. I'm sure you're all fueled up by finding time to write again. :)

  13. Here's to Our Little Secret's success! And to drafting.

  14. Wishing you the biggest success for Our Little Secret.

  15. Yay for Our Little Secrets. And good luck with your drafting.

  16. Happy writing. It feels so good to write again after being away from it for a while. Yay on your book. I have a copy.

    1. Thanks, Medeia. I've already had to put my drafting aside to work on a revision. *sigh* I guess revising is still writing though.


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