Monday, February 25, 2019

Monday Mishmash 2/25/19

Happy Monday! Monday Mishmash is a weekly meme dedicated to sharing what's on your mind. Feel free to grab the button and post your own Mishmash.

Here's what's on my mind today:
  1. My daughter's birthday  Tomorrow is my daughter's twelfth birthday. I'm not sure how she's twelve already. I'm so proud of her. She's an amazing kid.
  2. Drafting  I'm finishing up the draft of book 5 in the Piper Ashwell Psychic P.I. series today!!!! Yay!
  3. Revising  Once this draft is complete, I'll do a final revision on book 4 in the Piper Ashwell series before sending the book to my editor.
  4. Editing  I'm taking full advantage of the few days I have off between edits to get my own work done. I'll have a new edit coming soon, though.
  5. Special preorder price  Don't forget that the price of the Madison Kramer Mystery books will be going up after release week, which is fast approaching. So if you're interested in reading these, you might want to preorder them now.
  6. Captcha nightmare  I don't have my blog set to require captcha verification to post comments, yet it's still doing it! I emailed Blogger to ask about it, but I have yet to get a response. Does anyone know why this is happening or how to fix it?
  7. Into the Fire boxed set is FREE today through March 1st  If you haven't tried this series, now is the time to grab all three books for free here!
That's it for me. What's on your mind today?


  1. Hi Kelly - have a lovely day with your daughter ... wonderful age to be. Good luck with all the projects ... just enjoy - cheers Hilary

  2. Happy Birthday to your daughter!

    Last week I had issues with photo captchas demanded for every blog I was responding to, but the following day it had stopped. I remember some years ago having that issue for weeks on end and it was driving me nuts, especially since I was clicking the right things.

    1. Anyway, this one did not require a captcha for me to comment on it.

  3. Happy Birthday, Ayla!
    Blogger is having some major issues, and I only hope Google will not give up on it, the way they decided that Google + was too much trouble to maintain.

  4. Hope your daughter had a great birthday. Time definitely flies. Good luck with all of your new books!

  5. Happy Birthday, Ayla!

    Blogger, the free service, is unlikely to answer. Have you tried Google tech-support forums? When you solve this, let us know how.


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