Monday, March 4, 2019

Monday Mishmash 3/4/19

Happy Monday! Monday Mishmash is a weekly meme dedicated to sharing what's on your mind. Feel free to grab the button and post your own Mishmash.

Here's what's on my mind today:
  1. My Madison Kramer Mystery series releases tomorrow!  The paperback editions are already up, and the ebook editions release tomorrow. 
  2. Editing  I have a new edit on my plate this week.
  3. New Giveaway  My current giveaway is for a signed paperback ARC of Sequels and Serial Killers, book two in the Madison Kramer Mystery series. Enter here
  4. Draft complete  I finished the first draft of book five in the Piper Ashwell Psychic P.I. series.
  5. Charity Boxed Set  I'm part of the Summer Snoops Unleashed boxed set. All the preorder sales will be donated to three different pet organizations. I'm so excited to be included in this set and help these animals find homes.
    That's it for me. What's on your mind today?


  1. Hi Kelly - congratulations on the release of your Madison Kramer mystery series ... and well done on all you've got going on ... enjoy the week - cheers Hilary

  2. Thank you for ALL you do, Kelly. I'm a big animal rescue fan. As always I'm amazed at how productive a writer you are. Best to the Madison Kramer series on their BD today.

    1. Aw, thank you. I'm so happy to help these animals.


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