Monday, April 29, 2019

Monday Mishmash 4/29/19

Happy Monday! Monday Mishmash is a weekly meme dedicated to sharing what's on your mind. Feel free to grab the button and post your own Mishmash.

Here's what's on my mind today:
  1. Editing  I'm editing for two clients this week.
  2. Dark Destiny  I clicked publish on my last paranormal novel, Dark Destiny. It's up everywhere but Apple Books right now. I'm not sure why they're being so slow to put the book up over there. 
    Amazon: B&N:
  3. Summer Snoops Unleashed is up on Amazon!  Not only did my boxed set go up for preorder on Amazon, but we got our #1 bestseller banner within 24 hours! I couldn't be happier since this is a charity set.
  4. Piper Ashwell Psychic P.I. book 5 is with my editor  I passed off book five to my editor last Friday, and I'm way ahead of schedule. Yay!
  5. Piper Christmas novella?  I'm toying with the idea of writing a Christmas novella for my Piper series. The problem is I don't really give a definitive time of year in any of these books--intentionally. I'd have to break that rule to do a Christmas novella, but I kind of really want to write one.
That's it for me. What's on your mind today?


  1. You have really taken strides Kelly. Congrats on all your progress.

  2. Your cover for Dark Destiny is very cool.

  3. All your covers are smashing. I hope the books continue the garner banners. You are AMAZING.

    1. Thanks, Mirka. I'm really fortunate to work with great cover designers.

  4. A Christmas novella sounds good, and Christmas is a special occasion, so I'm pretty sure that breaking the rule for a holiday would be fine. :)


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